Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun...Why The Differences....
Why the Differences- Akhir Ikhtilaf Kyun- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
This Web-Page is published for all those:
Who sincerely want to know about the confusion conflict, issues, and differences between the scholars of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at's and of the Deoband Wahabee camp. Who would really like to know ‘Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun’ [After all why and what are the Difference]?
Also explanation is in order why and when the foundations of this dispute were laid - and what are the causes owing to which the dispute still continues all over the world, for decades....for brief introduction please click on...
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan

Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun.
Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun...Part-1
Allaah Ta'aalaa can tell lie. [Fataawa Rasheediyah, vol. 1, pg 19]
Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun
Fatawaa Rasheediyah
"Allaah Almighty can speak lies." (Fataawa Rasheediyah, vol. 1, pg 19 by Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah pg 98, 99 by Rasheed Ahmad, Yak Rozi, pg 145 by Ismaa’eel Dehlvi Balakoti, Baraaheen-e-Qaati’ah, pg 2, by Khalil Ahmad Ambehtvi)
Fataawa Rasheediyah Page 18-19
Ref B:Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah
(Kitab-ul-Aqaid Pg 98, Published by: Idara-e-Islamiat of Anarkali Lahore, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi)
Inside Page...
Printed In Karachi
Talifaat-e-Rashhediyah Page-18- 19
98-99 Page

Ref C:Tazkiratur Khaleel
Tazkiratur Khaleel (Pg135, Published by: Maktaba Qasmia Rungpur Road Sialkot, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi)
Ref 1-C:Tazkiratur Khaleel
Ref 1-C:Tazkiratur Khaleel
Ref 1-C:Tazkiratur Khaleel
Page 135
Ref- 1-D Al-Jahd- ul-Muqeel
Al-Jahd- ul-Muqeel (Pg41, Published by: Maktaba Madinah Urdu Bazaar Lahore in Shabaan 1409 AH, Written By: Mehmood Hasan)
Al Jahd ul Muqeel inside page
Ref -2 Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
ALLAAH doesn't know what His believers are going to
do but when they commit their deeds, he knows.
Ref: Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
(Pg157-158, Published
By: Himayat-e-Islaam press Lahore, Written By: Husain
Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
2. ALLAAH doesn't know what His believers are going to do but when they commit their deeds, he knows. Ref: Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan (Pg157-158, Published By: Himayat-e-Islaam press Lahore, Written By: Husain Ali)
Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
Page 158
3. Knowledge of Shaitan and Malakat-ul-Maut is more then the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). Ref: Muhammad (Peace be upon him) doesn't know about his end and what is behind the wall. Ref: Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah (Pg51, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) (Pg51, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi)
Ref 3 Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah
Pg 51
Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun Part 3
Deewar ...
4. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) doesn't know about his end and what is behind the wall. Ref: Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah (Pg51, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi)
Hifzul Ieemaan
Hifzul Iemaan Close up
Hifzul Ieemaan

Hifzul Ieemaan Page 7
Page 6-7
In the later edition the wordings were changed
Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun Part 4
Even the thought of the holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] occurring during Namaaz is much worse than to be immersed in the thought of an ox or a donkey. [Siraat-e-Mustaqeem, pg 86]
Inside Page Siraat-e-Mustaqeem
Siraat-e-Mustaqeem Inside Page
Page 86
Page 241 Sawwal
The word Rahmatul Lil 'Aalameen is not an exclusive attribute of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). Beside holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) other saintly people can also be called Rahmatul Lil 'Aalameen. (Fataawa Rasheediyah vol. 2, pg 12)
Fataawa Rasheediyah Part-2
Page -9
Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun Why The Differences
Ref 8-Tahzeerun-Naas
Page 3 Tahzeerun Naas
Even if it were assumed that a new Prophet can come during the era of the Holy Prophet or after the Holy Prophet, it would not have an effect on the finality of our the Holy Prophet. Ref: Tahzeerun-Naas (Pg 25, Published By: Kutub Khana Qasmi Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi)
Page 25

Video 6
Ref-9. The Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] learnt Urdu language due to
relation with Ulma-e-Deoband.
Ref: Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah, (Pg 26, Published By: Muhammad
Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH,
Written By: Khalil Anbethwi)
Ref -9 Page 26

Page 26 Close up
Taqwiyatul leemaan

11. The Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] should be respected as an elder brother.. Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Pg 58, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan
Page 84-Kitab
Page 88

Taqwiyatul leemaan Page 58
Ref 10

If ALLAAH [Almighty] wishes than he can create million like
Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Pg16-30, Published By:
Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail
Video -7
Page 30

Page 30 Close up
After his death, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) has mingled with dust. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 59). (But the power of the 'Ulama of Deoband to benefit people ever after their death continues.)
Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Page 59, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam
Saddar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
Taqwiyatul leemaan, pg 59
Ref 13-Taqwiyatul leemaan, pg 29
Page 29

All Prophets (Nabi & Rasool) does not have Authority over anything. Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Pg 29, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Saddar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
It is not necessary for the Prophets to be
innocent and immune (pak) from saying blatant lies.
Ref: Tasfiyatul 'Aqaa'id (Pg 25, Published By: Syed Maalik
Kutb Khana Aizazia Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi)
Tasfiyatul 'Aqaa'id
Tasfiyatul 'Aqaa'id- Page 25
Respect of the Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] should equal to human
(Bashar) also lower than it.
Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Pg 35-61, Published By:
Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan -Page 61
Page 61 Close up
Reference 16 -Page 24

Taqwiyatul Eeman
Video 8 Why the Differences...
All creations small (such as common men) or great
(Such as Prophets and saints), they all are before
Allaah's majesty, more lowly than even a cobbler.
Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan
(Pg 14, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam
Saddar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan
Page 14-15-Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
Ref -18 -Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan
It is permitted to call a Prophet Taaghoot (Satan). (Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan, pg 43). But it is kufr (infidelity) to belittle the 'Ulama of Deoband. (Pg43, Published By: Himayat-e-Islam press Lahore, Written By: Husain Ali)
Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan Page -43

Dictionary Close up

Reference -18
Respect of land lords in villages is similar and
equal to the respect of the Holy Prophet
[Peace Be Upon Him]in Ummah.
Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan
(Pg 61, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam
Saddar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
Ref -19 Page 61
Respect of land lords in villages is similar and equal to the respect of the Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him]in Ummah. Ref: Taqwiyatul leemaan (Pg 61, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Saddar Bazaar Delhi, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi)
Whosoever named as Muhammad
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) or ‘Alee
(Radi Allaahu Ta’aalaa Anhu) they have no authority over anything. A Prophet or a friend of Allaah can do nothing. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 41)
Video part 2 --2
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 41
The holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) has lost his wits. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 55)
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 55
A follower apparently does excel the Prophet in deeds.
(Tahzeer un-Naas, pg 5)
Zara ...Page 54

Close up
Ref -23 Page 5 Tahzeerun Naas

A Deobandi Mul-laa saved the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) from falling off Pulsiraat
(the bridge over which the righteous will pass into Paradise). (Bulghatul Haieraan, pg 8)
Ref -24 Bulghatul Haieraan,
Bulghatul Haieraan, pg 8
It is satisfying to say Laa'llaaha il-lal Laahu Ashraf ‘Alee Rasool-ul-Laah and Allaahum-ma Salli 'Ala Saiy-yidina Wa Nabiy-yina Ashraf ‘Alee and there is no harm in saying so. (Risaalah Al lmaad, pg 35) for the month of Safar 1336 A.H, and proceedings of a Munaazirah (religious debate in Gaya) Al Furqaan, vol 3, pg 58)
Risaalah Al lmaad,
Ref-25. To say "La ilaha illallaho Ashraf Ali Rasool Allaah" and "Allahumma sallay ala syedna wa nabiina Ashraf Ali" is right and their no objection from Islaam on this act. Ref: Risala Al-Imdad (Pg 34-35, Published By: Imadad-ul-Matabay Thana-Bhawan in Safar 1336 AH, Written By: Ashraf Ali Thanvi)
Risaalah Al lmaad, page 35
Video 2- Part 4
Ref- 26
Celebrating Meelaad-un-Nabee,
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) (birthday of the Prophet) is like the Hindus celebrate the birthday of their Kanaihya. (Fataawa Meelaad Shareef, pg 8 and Baraaheen-e-Qaati’ah, pg 148).
Page 148

Ref 26 Close up
Reference 27
The holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and the Daj-jaal both are originally blessed with life. The traits which characterize the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) are also shared by the Daj-jaal. (Aabe Hayaat, pg l69)
Ref-27 Page 169
Reference 28
Nothing can happen with the wish of the holy Prophet’s (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam). (Hayaat, pg 169)
Ref 28 Page 56

Reference 29
Believe in Allaah alone, and do not believe in anyone except Him. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 14)
Ref 29 -page 14
Before Allaah, all Prophets and all friends of Allaah are insignificant specks of dust. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 54)
Ref 30 Page 54

Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] is our elder brother and we are his
younger brothers.
Ref: Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah (Pg 03, Published By: Muhammad
Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH,
Written By: Khalil Anbethwi)
Ref 31 Page 3
Reference 32-
Any Muslim who regards the Prophet or the friends of Allaah to be Allaah's creations and bondsmen and yet makes them his advocates and intercessors, calls on them for help, and gives nazr and niyaaz (giving food for forwarding rewards) equals Abu Jahl in apostasy. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan pg 7 and 27)
Taqwiyatul Ieemaan page 6-7
Durood Taaj is disfavored and reciting it is not permitted. (Fazaa'il-i-Durood Shareef, pg 73 and Tazkiratur Rasheed vol. 2, pg 117). (But to compose and recite elegies (marsiyah) on the 'Ulama of Deoband crediting them with much more excellences than those described in the Durood Taaj for the Messenger of Allaah (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) is quite right.)
Fazaa'il-i-Durood Shareef
A saintly person of the Deobandi faction (Saiyyid Ahmad of Raae Bareilly) had been given a bath by Hazrat 'Alee (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu) and Hazrat Faatimah (Radiyal Laahu 'Anha) had put on clothes on his (naked) body. (Siraat-i-Mustaqeem, Persian pg 164, Urdu pg 280).
Ref 34 Sirat-e-Mustaqeem

Meelaad Shareef, Mi'raaj Shareef, Giyaarhveen Shareef, 'Urs Shareef, Khatm Shareef, Soyem, Chehlum, Faatihah Khawani, and leesaal-e-Sawaab, are all unlawful and bad innovations and the ways of the infidels and Hindus. (Fataawa Ashrafiyah, vol 2, Page 58, Fataawa Rasheediyah, vol 2, pages 144 and 150, and vol 3, pg 93 and 94).
Fatawaa Rasheediyaah

Page 58

Page 94
Celeberating Meelaad
(It should be noted that the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people who declare that celebrating Meelaad (birth) of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) as a wrong, unlawful and forbidden act of apostasy, must be questioned how is it permissible and right to celebrate the foundation-day of the Daarul 'Uloom, Deoband, and to call upon an apostate women to inaugurate it, to celebrate the days and the death anniversaries of their Mullaas and their Muftees, to appoint the time, the date and the place of such gatherings, to hold political and non-political demonstrations, to establish institutions in the name of non-Allaah, to ask for financial and other kinds of help for the propagation of non-Allaah how can this be correct and prohibited?)
Tazkiratur Rasheed
To eat a well known indigenous crow is a rewarding act. (Fataawa Rasheediyah, Vol 2, pg, 130). (But the eating of halwah (a sweet dish) distributed on the occasion of Shab-e-Bara'at is forbidden).
To Eat Crow
Deobandi Belief
To call upon the friends of Allaah even though regarding them as His creations is infidelity. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, Page 7).
(But it is not forbidden if the 'Ulama of Deoband themselves invoke them).
To Call Upon Walee
Namaz e Janaza

Fatihaa- Janazaa
Reference-Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun
To supplicate after funeral prayers is not permitted. (Fatwa of Muftee Jameel Ahmad Thanvi, Jaami'ah Ashrafiyah, Lahore). (But it is not forbidden if the 'Ulama of Deoband themselves supplicate).
Fatawaa Rasheediya

Deoband Aqaaid
Holi Ka Khana

Prasad Khana Durust
Deobandi Belief
It is permitted to take parshaad (the remnants of food presented to and idol) on the occasion of the Hindu festivals of Holi and Deewaali. (Fataawa Rasheediyah, vol 2, pg 130). (But to take food distributed on the occasion of Faatihah and Niyaaz is prohibited.)
Fataawa Rasheediyah volume 3
There is no harm in eating food, if clean, prepared at the houses of cobblers and sweepers. (Fataawa Rasheediyah, Vol 2, pg130). (But clean and lawful permitted food distributed on the occasion of niyaaz of Giyaarhveen Shareef is altogether prohibited.)
Chammar Ka Khana
Deobandi Aqaid

Drinking water from the sabeel (kiosk) set up by Hindus (apostates) out of the money earned through interest is permitted. (Fataawa Rasheediyah, Vol 3, pg 113 and 114). (But drinking clean water from the sabeel set up during the month of Muharram for the leesaal-e-Sawaab of Saiyyidina Imaam Husaien (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu) with money provided by the lawful earnings of Muslims is prohibited.) *
(Ma’aazal Laah summa Ma’aazal Laah)
Books by these Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi 'Ulama are filled with many such ranting and faith-destroying utterances. This servant of the Ahle Sunnat seeks forgiveness and pardon of Allaah Subhaanahu, because my (Ieeman) faith feels is shaken to even copy such utterances even though my sole purpose in doing so is that the readers would come to know the basis of our differences with the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people.
Believe me, these are such things that on hearing or reading them a Muslim overcomes by shiver, and his faith testifies that they can be uttered only by someone who is an enemy of the Prophet and is faithless. I pray to Almighty Allaah that He may, for the sake of His beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam), extend His special protection to us against every insolence and disrespect of those who make such statements or believe in them, and also those who regard the writers of such writings to be true Muslims, and let our end be firm on the true Faith. (Aameen)
*The details of the exact text of these forty statements of these Deobandi, Wahaabis ‘Ulama and their own fataawas on them see my book, “White and Black.”
Kaukab Noorani
Deobandi Aqaid